Thursday, September 29, 2011

wonderful brave lioness saving her child from death

first she felt someone missing and they looked for him 

and some tried to help the lioness to save the little cub

 she went down for little cub to save him from deadly situation

she get it and save the little cub but it was so hard to go up again 

 but she did it , she saved the baby cub and that the mother in any world

and after that she gave him lovely licking , all is ok now worry now he safe with lovely brave mother

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

beautiful animal optical illusions

her hair as running horses

so long zebra or tow zebras...

cute dogs together

can you see the second horse


funny llama illusions

it takes 3 models to perform tiger face :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

the story of lizard in Hollywood life

first it was normal lizard.... almost normal :D

then it moved to Hollywood life and become famous lizard 

and after a time they asked it to be spiderman 4 ;)

 it got all the star life and become so famous but ...

as any famous start to have some enemies and....

You're a lizard,Harry...... I'm a what ?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

photo trick

woman butterfly wings or water

is he holding her 

or she holding him ;)

the wondering cat

Friday, September 23, 2011

fish kissing pictures

romantic fish kiss :)


cute kid try to kiss the fish

fish kisses its image on the water

dog kisses dog

beautiful fish kissing

the fish kissing old man :D

cute kid kissing fish

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

odd car parking

 perfect stabilization but how it will move again

on the train tracks sure that's faster 


police car stuck in pre road works

how he did it :))

 car parking on the rock

stuck in the dirt well that's worst parking 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

the difference between batman dark knight 2008 and batman 2012 the dark knight rises

 the difference between batman dark knight 2008 and batman 2012 the dark knight rises.......

Friday, September 16, 2011

funny animals with babies

funny bobby playing with cute girl

you have to use your mind always

zebra looking to babe in the car

license please

dog with baby trying to enter home :D
let us in

baby playing with kitten

the chasing

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

beautiful back to back animals pictures

little lions back to back

ducks back to back

gorilla having funny way to eat banana  with her babe back t back

cute cats back to back with sun rise