Tuesday, November 29, 2011

twilight breaking dawn wedding photos

beautiful full photos and wallpapers of twilight twilight breaking dawn wedding , and Bella wedding dress photos  :)

crazy sea fashion

funny fashion way , making dress from sea food , i hope it smell good :o

V belongs to Pharaohs

V was older than we thought , he belongs to Pharaohs times :))

Thursday, November 24, 2011

moon in the basket

the moon in the basket 3 points :D

best earth environmental pictures national geographic 2011

 Overall Winner: "Homeless"
 This powerful image of two vulnerable children living on what seems like the very edge of survival has won Chan Kwok Hung from Hong Kong the title of Environmental Photographer of the Year 2011.

  Underwater-World Finalist: "Kingfisher"

 Changing-Climates Finalist: "Penguins and Fire"
 Natural-World Finalist: "Touché"

 atural-World Finalist: "Hungry Pelicans"

Natural-World Winner: "Lightning at Kaieteur Falls" 

 Natural-World Finalist: "Wild Dog Hunt"

 Underwater-World Finalist: "Giant's Gullet"

Changing-Climates Finalist: "Lost Villages" 

 Natural-World Finalist: "Silver and Gold"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cub playing with little poor turtle

the cub: i wanna eat i am so hungry 

turtle: i am closing now , sleeping now don't disturb me

cub: this is not smartaaa

the red riding hood story kitten view

Once upon a time, there was a little kitten :)) who lived in a village near the forest.  Whenever it went out, the little kittenwore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood.... :)))

funny musher running photo

A musher competes in the fouth stage of La Grande Odysee 2011 - an eleven-day race through the Alps covering some 1,000 km (620 miles)

funny wedding cakes picture

when the wedding turns to zombies :D

they are going to eat her 

 no more games its wedding time :D

funny soldiers photos

baseball  or fire the ball :D 

new way for faster soldiers transporting

top technology of special forces this days 

how to fly F16