Monday, April 13, 2009

the Obama family's new dog ,Bo

President Barack Obama holds his daughter Sasha as he pets the family's new dog,Bo , a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog


  1. Good picture...and, I like the dog.
    So sweet!!:)


  2. hiii,thanks for visit,yes i agree with u it is a nice chose dog

  3. OMG, obama orders the death of 3 people and you worry about his dog????

  4. hi folkbum thanks for visit
    first it is photo trick blog mean fun blog mean not politics

    and if it is, ok if u talk about the 3 people in Somali OMG !!!
    they was pirates abduct someone ,so they deserved kill,i am not American, i form Egypt and in this time the poratres take 2 Egyptian ships can u imagine wat their families do.... so i dont sorry for dam pirates
