9 days of our revolution, it start with youth of facebook,twitter and many web tools, all used to fire the r evolution,even they cut phones ,internet, ways and stations ,they was and still cant stop it ,we was need it because the past was rotten,present sleepy, future was dark, but now its so close to end this govern system,just our hope all people to have better future, our fair of islamic control still remind ,but it cant be as past again, "if people want live ,destiny must respond "said by Tunisian poet ,we don't want isalmic country or mess one,but we want modern democracy and freedom for all ,by Friday all police power just disappeared from all Egypt because they run away from revolution , we was secure ourselves ,criminal get out ,we still don't know how !!!,we are safe now by ourselves,but we don't know what about next days,all stop study,work,life ,all we want now is peace, return to our life, change has come no one can change it, this few days will change our life totally, we just pray and hope it will be better days,Egypt not small village or just desert Egypt for 3500 years and more we are most strong country in all middle east,when world run after cattle we was building the most wonderful civilization on earth, have youth,have life and have faith of new future.....

Your Blog Is Just Beautiful!
hiii Jack thanks a lot , i hope u enjoy and have nice times always, i like your works 2 its so wonderful :D
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