Thursday, October 27, 2011

The tree of life

beautiful movie of Brad Pitt this year , Tree of life , directed by Terrence Malick , simply it talks about life how a kid turns to teenage how the life view changes for him , how he understands it , and through that getting the meaning of life , the goal of it why we here during the life times there is accidents leading us to get that goal , to view the image to find the tree of life...

beautiful quests from the movie:

"Τhe nuns taught us there
are two ways through life...
the way of nature and the way of grace....

You have to choose which one you'll follow.

Grace doesn't try to please itself.
Accepts being slighted,
forgotten, disliked.
Accepts insults and injuries.

Nature only wants to please itself,get others to please it too,likes to lord it over them
To have its own way,It finds reasons to be unhappy...
when all the world is shining around it,when love is smiling through all things.
Τhey taught us that no one who
loves the way of grace...

ever comes to a bad end,I will be true to you
Whatever comes...."

" The only way to be
happy is to love...
Unless you love,
Your life will flash by...
Do good to them....
Ηope.... "

the wonderful Mozart's Lacrimosa with beautiful scenes from the movie

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