Thursday, November 24, 2011

best earth environmental pictures national geographic 2011

 Overall Winner: "Homeless"
 This powerful image of two vulnerable children living on what seems like the very edge of survival has won Chan Kwok Hung from Hong Kong the title of Environmental Photographer of the Year 2011.

  Underwater-World Finalist: "Kingfisher"

 Changing-Climates Finalist: "Penguins and Fire"
 Natural-World Finalist: "Touché"

 atural-World Finalist: "Hungry Pelicans"

Natural-World Winner: "Lightning at Kaieteur Falls" 

 Natural-World Finalist: "Wild Dog Hunt"

 Underwater-World Finalist: "Giant's Gullet"

Changing-Climates Finalist: "Lost Villages" 

 Natural-World Finalist: "Silver and Gold"

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