Friday, October 21, 2011

happened in Egypt sunday 9/10/2011

about 2 weeks ago, it was Sunday 9/10/2011 there was a peacefully demonstration of Egyptian Coptic Christians went out to protest , to say stop attacking our church , stop humiliating us we are complete citizens as muslims here , many don't know that there is Christians in egypt , many don't know we are millions here ever many years we still here believe in God and Jesus and always will , so back to this demonstration what happened is after they reaching the national TV building area was army force there , army wanted to end all this demonstration so they used the force , with Unarmed people they use the power the result was many killed and many injured , the peacefully demonstration end by massacre !!! , and after the national TV calling muslims to help the army force !! yes that's happened army force needed some help , so the muslims people came to help army to finish the rest of this demonstration , it wasnt facing or clash coz in this there is a balance but in what happen that was killing with no feeling , it was a massacre and after about 2 weeks what happen any investigate ? nothing ! why because they are Christians in islamic country , did they catch any killer who did that ? nope instead of that they saying in the national TV christians attacked army ! and christians were wrong ! ,what about the christians who dead ? they try to make people forget that now ! , how it will end ? it will end as past events of killing or bombing Christians in egypt Killers unknown.....

women, kids before men went for this peacefully demonstration so  for any logical mind if you going to attack army or the TV building do take your wife and your kids with you ? the demonstration walked long distance with long time if they want attack any better were attacked closer place....

before ,not a long time , in start of our revolution in egypt Christians were protect muslims while they praying !

Mina Danial one of young men who were active in Egyptian revolution with all his heart to see egypt better country for all ,it is ironic that he survived  from police and all this riots of the revolution to be become martyr at this event !  

and about 25 martyrs killed by bullets, stabs, and under army tanks ....

This videos have horrible scenes of what happened and of the martyrs, so please if you cant hold don't watching i just put it for records...


Is it lost case ,i don't think so do you know why cause God see all ,God listening and someday will act over history there was many wars anti christians in middle east and we Egyptians Christians passed all that and still remind because of faith , hope , love and we belong to God not this land or world , there is always hope which change all sadness and remove all tears if someone killed he not finished , it just start of second life for him for heaven for being with God forever because we believe we have this idea of being martyrs of Jesus , ,faith , hope and love that we can always have better life, they can kill our body but can't kill our ideas ,because an idea can live forever ...


more news details and videos  from CNN ,

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