Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5 steps how to reach your goals by new year 2012

here is some steps to reach any goal you want just need to be patient,creative and active in each step

1- Define the goal : you have to know your goal very well , write it down on paper find all its dimensions, what you will got if you done it and so on...


2-Make plans:now you know the goal , put long plan with duration and end date,any goal can be divided to sub goals so divide your long plan to short plans


3-Take actions:you have the goal you have its plans with times so its time of work and its the core of any goal achieving sometimes you will face problems,obstacles sometimes you will think it useless why you do that... so back to the first step and remember why you do that , why you have to go on and pass this problems as good as finishing a goal there are obstacles too , so be be patient and don't give up...


4-Be creative: about any obstacles or problems some can be solved by easy way and some need the hard way , its your choose , think in the box first then out of it , if nothing come up then go to 3rd step re-plan your goal and make new dates and gain be patient and think how it will be fabulous when you end it...


5-Reward yourself: after finishing each short plan motive yourself by reading what you wrote about your goal in first step,try to enjoy , have fun even it looks hard you can do any thing if you want and believe that you can do it...

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