Saturday, January 21, 2012

We're the fellowship against SOPA and PIPA !

epic meme against SOPA from lord of rings , we will save our internet...

hold your ground!
sons of 4chan! of 9gag! my brothers! 
i see in your eyes the same fear that would take heart of me
a day may come when the courage of internet user fail! 
when we forsake our brothers and break all bonds of peer to peer
but it is not this day an hour of governments and corrupted files when the age of internet comes crushing down ! 
but it is not this day
this day we fight !
by all that you hold dear in this good internet I bid you stand users of the internet
never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an american
what about side by side with a downloader ?
..... Aye. I could do that
for Megaupload
Anonymous !
Anonymous is coming !

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